
VictoriaMetrics screenshot

Fast, scalable, cost-effective TSDB.

convex-backend screenshot

Build dynamic apps with TypeScript.

drawdb screenshot

Design databases with ease.

fireducks screenshot

Fast dataframes, pandas compatible.

garnet screenshot

Fast, extensible cache-store from MS.

konfig screenshot

Monorepo for all things Konfig.

lancedb screenshot

AI multimodal data, serverless DB.

liam screenshot

ER diagrams made easy & beautiful.

lotus screenshot

LLMs over structured/unstructured data.

openspg screenshot

Build & reason on knowledge graphs.

peepdb screenshot

Inspect databases without SQL.

quickwit screenshot

Cloud-native search engine 🚀.

sqitch screenshot

Sane database change management.

sqlite-page-explorer screenshot

Explore SQLite databases page by page.

starrocks screenshot

Real-time analytics, 3X faster.

tailpipe screenshot

Query logs with SQL, locally & fast.

teatime screenshot

Decentralized reading powered by IPFS.

valkey screenshot

Valkey: Blazing fast key/value store.

wesql screenshot

MySQL, Reimagined for the Cloud.