
BlackLotus screenshot

UEFI bootkit: Secure Boot bypass.

Camoufox screenshot

Stealthy Firefox for web scraping.

FlareSolverr screenshot

Bypass Cloudflare with a proxy.

GoodbyeDPI screenshot

Bypass DPI, access blocked sites.

L1B3RT4S screenshot

Jailbreaks for all flagship AI models.

Microsoft-Activation-Scripts screenshot

Activate Windows & Office easily!

SWE-agent screenshot

Fix GitHub issues with your LM!

SamWaf screenshot

Lightweight Open-Source Web Firewall

beszel screenshot

Simple, lightweight server monitoring.

capa screenshot

Detect capabilities in executables.

ciso-assistant-community screenshot

Cybersecurity & GRC, simplified.

comp screenshot

Open-source compliance platform.

curl-impersonate screenshot

Curl like Chrome, Edge, Safari & Firefox.

docker-kms screenshot

Forever Windows/Office activation.

ecapture screenshot

Capture SSL/TLS text without CA.

mitmproxy2swagger screenshot

Reverse-engineer APIs from traffic.

openhaystack screenshot

Track Bluetooth devices with Find My.

pwndbg screenshot

GDB/LLDB: Debugging that sucks less.

renovate screenshot

Automated dependency updates.

tailpipe screenshot

Query logs with SQL, locally & fast.

upx screenshot

Compress executables by 50-70%!

v2rayN screenshot

Cross-platform proxy GUI client.

web-check screenshot

OSINT for any website, on-demand.