Project Description: Hari Sekhon - DevOps Bash Tools
What is the project about?
This project is a large collection of shell scripts and advanced Bash environment configurations aimed at DevOps, systems engineering, automation, and API interactions. It provides tools and utilities for a wide range of tasks, including system administration, cloud platform management (AWS, GCP), containerization (Docker, Kubernetes), database interactions, data processing, and CI/CD.
What problem does it solve?
The project solves several problems:
- Reduces repetitive manual tasks: Automates common DevOps tasks, saving time and reducing errors.
- Simplifies complex commands: Provides shorter, easier-to-use CLI wrappers for complex tools.
- Enhances Bash environment: Offers advanced Bash configurations, aliases, and functions for improved productivity.
- Facilitates API interactions: Simplifies querying various APIs with automated authentication and token handling.
- Provides a consistent environment: Offers standardized configurations and utilities across different systems and CI/CD pipelines.
- Speeds up setup and installation: Includes installation scripts for popular DevOps tools.
- Offers a library of reusable functions: Provides Bash utility libraries for scripting and CI detection.
What are the features of the project?
- Extensive Script Collection: 1000+ scripts for various DevOps technologies.
- Advanced Bash Environment: Enhanced
with aliases, functions, and dynamic behavior. - Installation Scripts: Automated installation of popular tools like AWS CLI, Azure CLI, GCloud SDK, Terraform, etc.
- Cloud Platform Management: Scripts for AWS (IAM, EC2, ECR, EKS, S3, etc.) and GCP (GCE, GKE, GCR, BigQuery, Cloud SQL, etc.).
- Containerization Tools: Scripts for Docker and Kubernetes management.
- Database Utilities: Fast CLI wrappers and Docker sandboxes for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, and SQLite.
- Data Processing Tools: Validators and converters for data formats like Avro, Parquet, CSV, JSON, YAML, etc.
- Big Data & NoSQL: Scripts for Kafka, Hadoop, Hive, Impala, ZooKeeper, and Cloudera Manager/Navigator APIs.
- Git & CI/CD: Scripts for Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and various CI/CD platforms.
- Utility Libraries: Bash libraries for scripting and CI detection.
- Dot Configs: Advanced configurations for Git, vim, screen, tmux, etc.
- Monitoring: Scripts for Grafana, Prometheus, and scripted collection of monitoring stats.
What are the technologies used in the project?
- Bash: The primary scripting language.
- Linux & Mac Utilities: Standard command-line tools.
- Cloud CLIs: AWS CLI, Azure CLI, GCloud SDK.
- Containerization: Docker, Kubernetes, kubectl, kustomize, Helm.
- Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite.
- Big Data: Kafka, Hadoop, Hive, Impala, ZooKeeper.
- APIs: Various REST APIs (AWS, GCP, GitHub, GitLab, DockerHub, etc.).
- CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, Concourse, GoCD, TeamCity, Travis CI, Circle CI, etc.
- Other: Git, vim, screen, tmux, jq, yq.
What are the benefits of the project?
- Increased Productivity: Automates tasks and simplifies complex commands.
- Improved Efficiency: Provides faster and more efficient ways to perform DevOps tasks.
- Reduced Errors: Automation reduces the risk of manual errors.
- Consistency: Standardized configurations and utilities across different environments.
- Code Reusability: Utility libraries and scripts can be reused across projects.
- Faster Learning Curve: Provides examples and shortcuts for various tools and APIs.
- Open Source and Customizable: Users can modify and extend the scripts to fit their needs.
What are the use cases of the project?
- System Administration: Managing servers, users, packages, and configurations.
- Cloud Management: Automating tasks on AWS, GCP, and other cloud platforms.
- Container Orchestration: Managing Docker containers and Kubernetes clusters.
- Database Administration: Interacting with databases, running queries, and managing backups.
- Data Processing: Validating and converting data formats.
- CI/CD Pipeline Automation: Integrating with CI/CD platforms for automated builds, tests, and deployments.
- API Interaction: Querying various APIs for data retrieval and automation.
- Monitoring and Alerting: Collecting system statistics and configuring alerts.
- Development Workflow Enhancement: Improving developer productivity with advanced Bash configurations and utilities.