
Project Description: Next.js Admin Dashboard Starter Template

What is the project about?

The project is a starter template for building an admin dashboard using Next.js 15, TypeScript, and Shadcn-ui components. It provides a foundation for creating data-driven, interactive dashboards with a modern look and feel.

What problem does it solve?

It solves the problem of quickly setting up a robust and well-structured admin dashboard application. It eliminates the need to manually configure various libraries and tools, providing a pre-configured, best-practice setup. It accelerates development by offering ready-to-use components and features commonly needed in admin dashboards.

What are the features of the project?

  • Authentication: Includes user authentication (sign-up/login) using Auth.js, supporting social and email logins.
  • Dashboard Overview: Provides an analytics overview page with charts (using Recharts) and cards. Uses Next.js parallel routes for independent loading and error handling of sections.
  • Product Management: Features a product listing page with server-side searching, filtering, and pagination using Tanstack Tables and Nuqs for type-safe search parameter management.
  • Product Creation: Includes a form for creating new products, utilizing Shadcn-ui forms (React Hook Form + Zod for validation).
  • Profile Management: Offers multi-step dynamic forms for user profile management, also using React Hook Form and Zod.
  • Kanban Board: A drag-and-drop task management board built with dnd-kit and Zustand for local state persistence.
  • Command+K Interface: kbar for quick navigation.
  • Feature-based organization: Code is organized by feature, making it easier to maintain and scale.
  • Error Handling: Includes a custom "Not Found" page.
  • Linting and Formatting: Uses ESLint and Prettier for code quality and consistency, along with Husky for pre-commit hooks.

What are the technologies used in the project?

  • Next.js 15: The React framework for building the application.
  • TypeScript: The programming language used, providing static typing.
  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
  • Shadcn-ui: A collection of reusable UI components.
  • Zod: Schema validation library.
  • Zustand: State management library.
  • Nuqs: Type-safe search params state manager.
  • Auth.js: Authentication library.
  • Tanstack Tables: Headless UI for building powerful tables and datagrids.
  • React Hook Form: Library for form handling and validation.
  • kbar: Command+k interface.
  • Recharts: Composable charting library.
  • dnd-kit: Drag and Drop Library.
  • ESLint: JavaScript linter.
  • Prettier: Code formatter.
  • Husky: Git hooks manager.

What are the benefits of the project?

  • Rapid Development: Provides a pre-configured setup, saving development time.
  • Modern Stack: Uses up-to-date technologies and best practices.
  • Maintainable Code: Feature-based organization promotes code clarity and maintainability.
  • Scalable Architecture: The structure is designed to support growing applications.
  • Type Safety: TypeScript and Zod enhance code reliability and reduce errors.
  • Good User Experience: Shadcn-ui provides a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

What are the use cases of the project?

  • Building admin dashboards for web applications.
  • Creating internal tools for managing data and users.
  • Developing data visualization dashboards.
  • Serving as a learning resource for Next.js, TypeScript, and related technologies.
  • Prototyping dashboard interfaces quickly.
next-shadcn-dashboard-starter screenshot